Introduction of pneumatic control valve small knowledge

Release time:

2024-10-22 16:18

The operating environment temperature of the regulating valve shall be (-30 ~ +60) with a relative humidity of not more than 95% 95%, and the relative humidity shall not be greater than the straight pipe section at the front and rear positions of the regulating valve, with a length of not less than 10 times of the pipe diameter (10D), so as to prevent the straight pipe section of the valve from being too short and affecting the flow characteristics; Between the device valves, read the tutorial manual first. The tutorial manual describes the product and the safety precautions and precautions to be taken before and after the device.

Pneumatic control valve-valve common sense saying good "technical industry has specialized", no matter what industry, has its own terminology, of course, pneumatic control valve is no exception, has its own terminology. Terminology for pneumatic control valves.


Strength function pneumatic control valve strength function refers to the valve to withstand medium pressure. The valve is a mechanical product that bears internal pressure, so it is necessary to have sufficient strength and rigidity to ensure long-term use without breaking or deformation.

The operating environment temperature of the regulating valve shall be (-30 ~ +60) with a relative humidity of not more than 95% 95%, and the relative humidity shall not be greater than the straight pipe section at the front and rear positions of the regulating valve, with a length of not less than 10 times of the pipe diameter (10D), so as to prevent the straight pipe section of the valve from being too short and affecting the flow characteristics; Between the device valves, read the tutorial manual first. The tutorial manual describes the product and the safety precautions and precautions to be taken before and after the device.